The APTA Tour 

The 2024-2025 APTA Tour showcases the top players in 19 events. This year, APTA Tour players are competing for almost $350,000 in locally-raised prize money, as well as National Ranking Tournament (NRT) points, and the APTA Cup.

APTA Tour Calendar

Find the schedule and event details

APTA Tournament Entry, Seeding & Ranking Table

Learn how different tournaments are organized

APTA NRT Rules & Procedures

All APTA Nationals Ranking Tournaments (NRT) have additional rules and procedures. Below are documents and details to help players understand their complexities. 

NRT Rules & Procedures including places, points & weighting table

APTA National Rankings

Follow the leaderboard, updated in real-time


The APTA Cup is a season-long competition–a player’s top 6 APTA Tour results (out of a possible 19 events–Nationals is excluded) count toward the APTA Cup race. In 2024-2025, the top 6 players with the most points will share $50,000 awarded by the APTA –$25,000 men/$25,000 women.

APTA Cup Standings

Men's Standings

Women's Standings